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The Priest of Corruption Chapter 24:

Exciting News: The next chapter of “The Priest of Corruption,” Chapter 24, is almost here! Fans are super excited to see what happens next in the story, especially now that the Priest has met the Secret Society.

Meet the New Villains

In this chapter, we’ll get to know the new bad guys in the story, the Liberatio. We’ll find out what they’re all about and what they might do in the future. And guess what? We might even spill some spoilers!

(CC: Naver)

The Story So Far

In the previous chapter, a mysterious purple-haired girl appeared in front of the Priest. She revealed herself as a member of the Secret Society of Evil Spirit Worshipers, known as the Liberatio. She also mentioned that the Priest had a history with them, especially with a kid he’d taken down in Kelton.

The girl didn’t spill all the beans, though. When the Priest asked her how many people were in their group, she kept it a secret. She also hinted that Riverkel, who’s involved in some mission, might have the information the Priest seeks.

What’s the Liberatio’s Goal?

Now, about the Liberatio’s goal. Bena, one of the Liberatio members, steps up to explain it. Their aim is pretty simple: they want to create a world where everyone can believe in any god they want without being persecuted. Noble goal, right?

(CC: Naver)

But things took a dark turn when the Priest asked about the destroyed village. Bena claimed they had no choice because Riverkel caused trouble, and they needed something that the Priest had – the Holy Relic.

The Holy Relic Mystery

The Priest was puzzled about what this Holy Relic was. It turns out it’s a marble inside the body of the Incarnation, and it holds a lot of power. The Priest realized that the Liberatio is up to something with this powerful relic.

(CC: Naver)

More Marbles, More Trouble

When the Priest mentioned that the marble they wanted had broken, Bena didn’t believe him. But the Priest insisted that he had thrown the remnants away in Kelton. And guess what? There are even more marbles out there!

So, get ready for the next thrilling chapter of “The Priest of Corruption.” It’s set to be released on September 29, 2023! Get your popcorn ready and mark your calendar!

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