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Home » Veg Sandwich Recipe: how to make sandwich recipe?

Veg Sandwich Recipe: how to make sandwich recipe?

Most people like to breakfast in the morning! Some people like to break the wedge breakfast, while some people like non-veg. Most people like such breakfast, which is ready in just 10 to 15 minutes and is very tasty. So let us tell you the recipe of ‘Veg Sandwich’ which is instant in breakfast. You will be able to prepare healthy and tasty sandwiches in a very short time with this recipe. Once you eat it, you will become crazy about it and would like to eat veg sandwich again and again. Let us know which material is necessary for this and by which method can be easily made.

 Materials required for veg sandwich

½ capsicum

1 cucumber

1 carrot

1 potato (boiled)

1 onion 100 grams cheese

4 cheese slices

4 bread slices

4 teaspoons meyones

½ teaspoon salt (as per taste)

¼ teaspoon pepper powdermato sauce or green chutney

 How to make veg sandwich

1. First of all, you have to cut cucumber, onion and capsicum and make slices. You rub the carrot with grated. Mash the boiled potatoes. Keep all these stuff in a plate.

2. After this you have to add cheese to this stuff. Mix a little mayonus in it and make a mixture well. This will prove to be helpful in making your sandwich delicious.

3. Now you have to keep all the bread slices out. You bake it a little on the hot pan and add some tomato ketchup, salt and pepper powder on it. You have to do all this on low heat.

4.Now keep the bread slices in a plate and keep the vegetable mixture made on it and cover it with another slice. You must add cheese slices to it. Now you can bake it in a pan or oven for a few minutes.

5. In a short time, the curry veg sandwich will be ready. You can serve it with chutney or sauce. Many people also like to eat sandwiches with tea. You can also eat it without any chutney or sauce, because it is quite tasty.

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