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Home » The Lord’s Coins Aren’t Decreasing?! Chapter 113

The Lord’s Coins Aren’t Decreasing?! Chapter 113

The moment we were waiting for finally arrived, with Raihan meeting his demise and Marquis Dorian’s backhanded tactics coming to light.

In simpler words: The moment we’ve been waiting for happened when Raihan was defeated, and Marquis Dorian’s sneaky tricks were exposed.

To make things worse, even the King was on edge because he was siding with Dorian initially, who was in cahoots with a demon worshipper.

In simpler words: It got even worse because the King was supporting Dorian, who was working with a person who worships demons.

[Credits: Kakao Page]

But why did Marquis Dorian risk all this in the first place?

In simpler words: But why did Marquis Dorian take such a big risk?

Well, he was thoroughly convinced that Erun Steelguard had murdered his child two years back, and it got covered up.

In simpler words: Well, he believed that Erun Steelguard had killed his child two years ago, and that it had been hidden.

Of course, that was his own delusion, but the King did let it slide.

In simpler words: Of course, that was just a mistaken belief, but the King ignored it.

Erun outsmarted not just the King but also Marquis Dorian while proving Bailey’s innocence to the world.

In simpler words: Erun was clever, and he showed that Bailey was innocent while also fooling the King and Marquis Dorian.

Raihan was really a scummy guy who was thoroughly two-faced and a betrayer.

[Credits: Kakao Page]

In simpler words: Raihan was a bad person who couldn’t be trusted.

He killed so many people, and all for what? It was his greed that made him like that.

In simpler words: He killed many people for what? It was because he was greedy.

Not only that, he was also a trashy demon worshipper to make everything worse.

In simpler words: And to make things even worse, he worshipped demons.

Marquis Dorian is also pretty scummy for trying to side with a despicable guy like that without knowing the facts.

In simpler words: Marquis Dorian is also bad for supporting such a terrible person without knowing the truth.

In the previous chapter of The Lord’s Coins Aren’t Decreasing?!, Raihan reveals himself as a disgusting demon worshipper, which is a serious crime, and Erun kills him.

In simpler words: In the last chapter, Raihan is exposed as a demon worshipper, and Erun defeats him.

The rest of the mages are in a real hurry to get rid of Raihan as well because they obviously cannot let such blasphemy leave any traces.

In simpler words: The other mages also want to get rid of Raihan quickly because they can’t allow his evil beliefs to continue.

The banquet was truly full of entertainment and melodrama with all the things that happened. Everyone is whispering about Dorian now, the noble who was siding with the demon worshipper and even brought him to the Palace for testimony.

In simpler words: The banquet was really dramatic with all that unfolded. People are talking about Dorian, who supported the demon worshipper and brought him to the Palace.

Well, their reactions are pretty justified, and even the King is pissed because he also sided with Dorian.

In simpler words: People’s reactions make sense, and even the King is angry because he supported Dorian.

Release Date & Where to Read:
The Lord’s Coins Aren’t Decreasing?! Chapter 113 will be released on Wednesday, 1 November 2023.

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