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Home » PM Modi says ‘India fully supports ASEAN centrality’ in big message to China

PM Modi says ‘India fully supports ASEAN centrality’ in big message to China

PM Modi says India fully supports ASEAN centrality, which means India is strongly behind the ASEAN group’s importance. He also talked about how ASEAN is a crucial part of India’s plan to work more with East Asian countries. He wants the region around the Indian and Pacific Oceans to be free, open, and based on rules, not controlled by one country.

This is important because some ASEAN countries are worried about China’s growing power in the South China Sea, which is an important trade route. India wants ASEAN to be in charge and solve problems with other powerful countries.

Modi’s words are important because China recently talked about not wanting a new Cold War in ASEAN, which means they don’t want countries to take sides and fight like in the past.

Modi also mentioned that international laws should apply to everyone, and the world has many tough problems like terrorism and conflicts between countries. He talked about how India and ASEAN have a lot in common, like their values and the fact that they both want peace and growth in the world.

He also said that working together as a group is important, and following the rules-based order is the way to handle global challenges. India and ASEAN have a strong partnership, and they want to work together to make the world better.

So, in simple terms, Prime Minister Modi is saying that India supports ASEAN’s important role in the region and wants to work with them to ensure a peaceful and rule-based future, especially in light of concerns about China’s actions in the South China Sea. He also emphasizes shared values and the need to work together to address global challenges.

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