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Home » New Discovery Show: Life in The Garden Community

New Discovery Show: Life in The Garden Community

In a brand new documentary series called “The Garden: Commune or Cult,” we get a sneak peek into the lives of people living on a 75-acre piece of land far away from any town or city. This show helps us understand how these community members live and how new people join them without any discrimination.

Mysteries About “The Garden” Community

There are many strange stories about “The Garden,” a community that lives off the grid. To clear up these rumors and show what life is really like in The Garden, its members have allowed cameras to come in and film their daily activities.

(Credits: Discovery)

Living Off the Grid

Not everyone can live off the grid, but this show teaches us how it’s done. Every week, new visitors and potential members come to join the community, making the series even more interesting.

Recap of Episode 1

The first episode of “The Garden” introduces us to their unique way of life, how they connect to the internet in a remote place, and how they share the land and homes without arguing.

Welcoming New Members

For the first time, The Garden community welcomes Discovery to see how they bring in new members and introduce them to the community. However, some of the newcomers don’t get along with the others.

Meet Tyler M.

One of the newcomers is Tyler M., who was searching for a peaceful place away from the city. He discovered The Garden on TikTok and decided to give it a try. Narayah, another newcomer, chooses to stay in the community despite an initial conflict with the police. But Tyler M. starts to worry that The Garden might be like a cult due to some strange behavior he observes.

Tyler C. Joins the Community

Another newcomer, Tyler C., arrives at the commune. He’s a Christian who believes in the apocalypse and wants to learn life skills at The Garden. Although it’s a big change for him to leave Rural Tennessee for a small room in The Garden, he decides it’s a positive change. New members continue to arrive at The Garden, despite the scary news and rumors.

Upcoming Episode

In the next episode, The Garden will host more newcomers and show them how each member lives in the commune. Since it has become popular, many people want to stay there and build a life.

(Credits: Discovery)

New Challenges and Visitors

After the first two episodes, we’ve seen the community vote on whether Tyler M. should stay with them. Oak is still adjusting to the new life without electricity or appliances. Exciting new visitors, Jessica and Tisheila, are ready to start their journey in The Garden.

When and Where to Watch

Episode 3 of “The Garden: Commune or Cult” will be released on November 5th, 2023. You can watch it on Discovery.

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