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Home » Namari’s Lesson and Bullbuster Episode 8 Preview

Namari’s Lesson and Bullbuster Episode 8 Preview

In the last episode, Namari asked Amari to teach him how to use Blockbuster. Now, fans are eager to see if Namari will be praised for his efforts in getting the underwater robot in Bullbuster Episode 8.

Namari and Okino’s Clash:

Okino blamed Namari for everything that went wrong, thinking Namari had followed orders. Namari apologized but explained that doing work not in the rules was a bad move. Okino reminded Namari that his attitude in Shiota made everyone dislike him.

Okino’s Discovery:

Okino found the underwater backhoe after lots of research. He shared details about the digging tool, which works only underwater. It was found by President Kanie, but Okino thought it was a good deal, costing three million yen.

Financial Troubles:

Others disagreed with Okino, saying they couldn’t afford it. Okino believed investigating the lake’s giant beast was crucial and insisted they needed the backhoe. Kataoka explained they lacked funds, but Okino was determined

 (Credits: NUT Studio)

Lunchtime Drama and Namari’s Troubles

Namari’s Apology and Lunchtime Drama:

Namari apologized to Arumi, feeling bad for her dog. Arumi, however, didn’t blame him for everything. During lunch, Miyuki suggested inviting Arumi, but Namari declined.

Office Tensions:

Tajima explained to Kataoka that Namari might not fit in easily. Kataoka wished to be as calm as Tajima but believed Namari might quit soon.

Employee Dilemma:

Tajima suggested waiting, emphasizing Namari’s importance and boating license. Hiring a replacement would be costly, and Kotako feared social media pranks from new hires.

Positive News:

Arumi received a call that Shiro was fine. Tajima offered to drive her due to her panic.

Episode 8 Release Date

Bullbuster Episode 8 is set to release on Wednesday, November 22, 2023.

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