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Home » Maria no Danzai Chapter 10: Maria’s Revenge Plan Unfolds

Maria no Danzai Chapter 10: Maria’s Revenge Plan Unfolds

In this chapter of “Maria no Danzai,” we’ll see how Maria, who has had a tough life herself because she was an orphan, plans to get back at those who made her son’s life miserable, leading to his tragic death. Maria used to be a school nurse and had one person who cared for her, the school nurse who helped her sort out her thoughts.

After marrying and having a son, Maria’s life took a tragic turn when her son fell victim to bullies. Determined to seek revenge, Maria hatches a plan to ruin the lives of those responsible.

Recap of Maria no Danzai Chapter 9

In the previous chapter, Maria’s plan to mentally torment Kumiru, one of the bullies, succeeded. Kumiru, who used to pick on others, found herself isolated and labeled as attention-seeking after Maria framed her. This caused Kumiru to act erratically and ultimately run away.

Credits: Tonarinoyj

What to Expect in Maria no Danzai Chapter 10

Chapter 10 will delve into Kumiru’s reaction to Maria’s actions and how she plans to retaliate. It’s unclear whether this is part of Maria’s plan or not, but Maria is known for her strategic thinking. Since this is a revenge-themed manga, we can expect more intense moments like these in the series.

However, the previous chapter showed that Maria doesn’t have all the answers, as Kumiru’s response wasn’t entirely expected. It remains to be seen how Maria will handle this situation and whether her revenge mission will encounter unexpected challenges.

Release Date for Maria no Danzai Chapter 10

You can look forward to reading Maria no Danzai Chapter 10 on September 22, 2023.

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