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Home » Julieta’s Dress-Up Chapter 6 Release Date!

Julieta’s Dress-Up Chapter 6 Release Date!

The next chapter in the Julieta’s Dress-Up series is almost here, and fans are thrilled! They can’t wait to find out what’s going to happen in the story. Let’s dive into what’s making everyone so excited.

Chapter 6 Release Date
Mark your calendars! Julieta’s Dress-Up Chapter 6 will be available on September 15, 2023.

A Peek into Chapter 5
Before we jump into the upcoming chapter, let’s recap what happened in Chapter 5. It’s all about Moira, the current love interest of Prince Killian. She gets a little startled when a new maid serves her tea. She’s not used to new faces. However, Julieta, the maid, apologizes and asks for forgiveness.

A Surprise Revelation
Julieta confesses that she was really impressed by Moira’s role in a play called “Lady Donatera.” She even watched it when she was young. Moira is surprised and asks how a maid like Julieta could have seen the play.

Credits: Naver

A Fan Connection
Julieta reveals that she was left at the Eileen Theater when she was young, which is why she watched the play and became Moira’s fan. This revelation sparks a connection between them.

Tea and Friendship
Moira is touched by Julieta’s admiration and decides to share a special tea with her. She usually drinks this tea when she stays in the prince’s bedroom, and it’s not just any tea—it’s good for health and precious.

A Friendly Gesture
Moira offers the tea to Julieta, making her wonder if she appears friendly. She doesn’t even know much about this tea, except that it’s expensive. She plans to tell the head maid that she drinks it, and if she gets scolded, she’ll say it was Moira’s idea.

Credits: Naver

A Thoughtful Gesture
Moira advises Julieta not to drink the tea because it might bring criticism to a servant like her. She cares about Julieta’s well-being and doesn’t want her to face any trouble.

Spoilers and More
Stay tuned for Chapter 6 to discover what happens next! We’ll also provide some spoilers and a reading guide for all you romance genre fans. Exciting times ahead!

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