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Home » ISRO + ESA= India’s Sun mission successful as Aditya-L1 has European friends

ISRO + ESA= India’s Sun mission successful as Aditya-L1 has European friends

ISRO and ESA, two space organizations, are working together on a mission called Aditya-L1. This mission is all about studying the Sun. They want to gather information about the Sun from a place that’s really far from Earth, about 1.5 million kilometers away.

To get this information, they need a good way to communicate with the spacecraft. That’s where ESA comes in. ESA is helping with the communication part. They have big antennas in different places, like Australia, Spain, Argentina, French Guiana, and the UK. These antennas help in getting data from the spacecraft and also figuring out where it is and how it’s doing.

ISRO and ESA will keep working together for about two years during the Aditya-L1 mission. ESA also has another job. They are testing a special software made by ISRO to figure out exactly where the spacecraft is in space.

The spacecraft will go to something called a Lagrangian Point, which is a special spot between Earth and the Sun. It’s named after a French mathematician, Louis Lagrange. Aditya-L1 will reach this point by doing some special moves over 125 days.

ISRO and ESA started working together in 2022, and they are still working together to make sure the Aditya-L1 mission goes well.

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