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“Beyond Calorie Counting: Navigating Effective Weight Loss through Mindful Habits and Balanced Choices”

Calorie counting isn’t the sole determinant of effective weight loss, according to Dr. Dhanjeet barodia, a senior clinical dietitian. Instead of fixating on caloric intake, she suggests focusing on cultivating healthy habits, tracking body measurements, and paying attention to non-scale indicators to gauge progress.

Maintaining a successful weight loss journey without meticulously counting calories involves adopting the following strategies:

Step 1) Balanced Meal Composition

Create a balanced plate by dividing it into sections:

  • Allocate 1/4th of the plate to a protein source like chicken, fish, eggs, tofu, low-fat paneer, or Greek yogurt.
  • Fill half the plate with a variety of vegetables, both cooked and raw, incorporating a spectrum of colors for nutritional diversity.
  • Dedicate 1/4th of the plate to carbohydrates like rice, potatoes, bread, or roti.
  • Include a serving of healthy fats, such as oils, cheese, avocados, nuts, or seeds, roughly the size of 1-2 thumbs.

Step 2) Mindful Eating

Devote 15-20 minutes to each meal, as it takes this amount of time for your brain to signal fullness to your stomach. Eating slowly naturally reduces portion sizes and helps create a calorie deficit. Fast eating often leads to overeating and weight gain.

Step 3) Regular Weight Monitoring

For those prioritizing weight loss, regular weight tracking is essential. Aim for a gradual weight reduction of 250-500 grams per week, depending on your initial weight. Maintain a weight chart and observe if there’s a consistent downward trend. Adjust your food intake or increase physical activity if needed. Remember, weight loss is a gradual process that requires patience.

Other Factors

Factors like sleep quality and water intake significantly impact eating behaviors and decision-making. These elements should not be underestimated in your weight loss journey.

Dr. Dhanjeet barodia emphasizes that counting calories is not the only way to monitor weight loss. Healthy habits, body measurements, and non-scale indicators play crucial roles in gauging progress. Ushakiran Sisodia, a registered dietitian, adds further insights:

Portion Control: Instead of fixating on calories, focus on portion sizes. Opt for smaller plates and bowls to naturally regulate portions.

Mindful Eating: Pay attention to your body’s hunger and fullness cues. Eat slowly, savor each bite, and stop when you feel satisfied but not overly full.

Choose Whole Foods: Prioritize whole, unprocessed foods such as vegetables, fruits (incorporate a variety of colors), lean proteins, egg whites, sprouts, tofu, chicken, and fish. Whole grains and locally available millets like jowar, ragi, and bajra are also beneficial. These nutrient-dense foods are lower in calories and promote satiety, supporting weight loss.

Incorporate whole foods, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats, into your diet to achieve sustainable weight loss. By focusing on these holistic strategies rather than solely counting calories, you can cultivate a healthier relationship with food and attain your weight loss goals.

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