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Home » ‘As If Love Doesn’t Exist'”Chapter 19: 

‘As If Love Doesn’t Exist'”Chapter 19: 

In Chapter 19 of “As If Love Doesn’t Exist,” things are getting complicated for the main character and her military boyfriend. They’re having a big argument about her choices. He’s angry, and he has good reasons to be mad because of the decisions she’s making. This argument also makes her keep some secrets, even though she’s been honest about most things.

One secret that accidentally comes out is that her grandma invited her fiancé to their house for a meeting. But here’s the twist: it’s not really about her; it’s about the real daughter of the family. The main character knows this truth but can’t tell her boyfriend because it would reveal how she found out about the real daughter and their connection.

(Credits: Naver)

The main character has kept this part of her life a secret from everyone, or her plans would fall apart. But keeping secrets means telling lies sometimes, and those lies can create problems.

Recap of Chapter 18: Mind Games and Family Issues

In Chapter 18, the fiancé plays mind games with the main character. He’s trying to figure out what’s bothering her, especially since the grandmother of the house is sick, and her son and daughter-in-law aren’t taking good care of her.

This situation reminds the main character that the people she’s lived with for years aren’t kind-hearted. They lack compassion and care only about surface-level things. In a past version of her life, they didn’t even care if she was their real daughter or not. Once they found out she wasn’t, they waited for her to grow up and kicked her out.

In the current timeline, their attitude hasn’t changed much. But this time, the main character can tell when they are being genuine, which helps her deal with them without feeling guilty about their terrible behavior.

(Credits: Naver)

Chapter 19 Spoilers: More Complications Ahead

Chapter 19 of “As If Love Doesn’t Exist” will reveal how the main character handles the new challenges in her life. Will she tell more lies to get out of trouble, or will she add some truth to explain herself and improve her relationship with her crush? It’s hard to say if these two are meant to be together with all these complications.

The main character is dealing with a lot, and her family keeps playing mind games with her. To make matters worse, she’s used her quick wit on her crush, which could backfire. How she handles these situations will be crucial for the future of the series, and she might end up losing someone important to her.

(Credits: Naver)

Release Date for Chapter 19

You can expect “As If Love Doesn’t Exist” Chapter 19 to be released on October 4, 2023.

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